Sunday 22 March 2009

Ergonomic chair delivery

The ergonomic chair should be delivered some time during this coming week, at which point I will add some photos illustrating the features and control levers present on the chair.

As I previously mentioned, I hope to get round to adding a short youtube video of what the chair does a some point, but that will have to wait until time allows.

Needless to say, I have already forgotten what color I ordered the chair in, so that will be my first surprise.

I have big expectation of this replacement chair, so I hope that it will not disappoint.

Setting the chair up

I spoke with my chiropractor this week regarding the optimum set up for this kind of chair. His general view was that the key to keeping the back healthy was to vary the set up as frequently as possible, i.e. several times per day.

With plenty of different adjustments this should not prove too difficult and this was of course why I wanted a chair with tension control and the option to leave the seat tilt and backrest recline action on “open” (un-locked) settings.

This should enable me to stretch, lean back, or tilt forward at any time without the need for “actual” chair adjustment and with the settings retained for when I resume a normal posture.

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