Tuesday 28 April 2009

Chair review after 3 or 4 weeks

A few weeks have passed by since I started using my ergonomic chair and therefore it is time for a second review of how it is performing.

My first impressions of the chair were good. It has lots of adjustable functionality and you can easily set it up for any individual and seated postion.

Those initial impressions remain.

The chair is comfortable, it is easy and fast to adjust and the seat tilt angle is invaluable. I am quickly coming to the conclusion that this is the single most important feature of the chair after the height adjustment.

I am also finding that using an increasingly “forward” tilted seat angle encourages me to sit up straight, support my own back (rather than with the back rest) and feel comfortable whilst maintaining a good posture.

The armrests too are something that I use more than I might have imagined and I find that having them set slightly below the level of my desk offer the bests support and comfort.

If I have any minor criticisms they relate to the lack of backwards recline of the backrest, i.e. it is impossible to recline back and create an obtuse angle between the legs and body. The other minor flaw (at least for me) is that I would prefer a little more padding on the seat. It make me wonder what mesh seats feel like after 8 or 9 hours sat in them.

Even so, my overall view of this chair is still quite high. I find it easy to get comfortable on it and it is wide enough to allow plenty of movement, even sideways lazy slouching if required.

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